Posted in Beauty, Fashion

The perfect party wear lookbook

Over the past few months I have gone party outfit mad!! I just can-not and will not resist all those amazing deals the best fashion retailers are throwing at me. 50% off misguided? 25% off new look and Boohoo? Id have been silly to not have bought anything right??

With the festive season past and new years quickly approaching us, Balls and Parties to attend, my shopping baskets have been full with red, green, black and sparkle! This first outfit is one that was a step out of my comfort zone. Although for some a jumpsuit is a classic go to, the typical party wear, or even everyday where in the summery months. For me it is not! I have never ever in the 17 years of my life so far owned or worn a jumpsuit, so i felt it was time to take that step and start rocking things that i never normally would even dare to attempt too!15781824_857159821093731_1840879387_n                                                                                             The emerald-green colour and elegant off the shoulder number is one i just couldn’t resist. And whats even better? I didn’t have to worry about ahh what colour shoes does one wear with green? Not only do my classic black straps ons match perfectly, but so do my old golden prom shoes! And if you can’t wear gold sparkly shoes around Christmas and new years when can you ai! This photo was taken on boxing day so admittedly there are lumps and bumps in all the wrong places, but who cares?? None of us are actually as perfect or stick thin as those models in magazines and Instagram so here’s me in one of my favourite outfits rocking my lumps and bumps just like we all should..

Now I’m sure many of you are aware misguided went a little crazy when it came to the black Friday and boxing day sales that oh so happily robbed us all of our bank accounts…. but it was so worth it!

Look at how unique, yet gorgeous this red roses luxurious body suit is. Perfect for the Christmas month, and will even work in summer to add a floral tang to my outfits all year round. The long mesh sleeves and beautiful embroidery of the roses was a must have for me. It is such a unique number and i absolutely adore it and i hope you all do too!!


Psst… whats even better? It only cost me 6 pounds!

So, whats a festive look book, without a full on sparkly number? How gorgeous is this Golden sparkly skirt from . You can’t do Christmas with out shimmer and sparkle, sequins and shine, and as soon as this turned up on my door stop i fell in love instantaneously!15782522_857158134427233_424696333_n15801300_857159391093774_1260242736_n

Sometimes, i think elegance and simplicity is the way forward. Perhaps if you don’t like to wear black for Christmas, this could be a perfect new years outfit or even the perfect dress for a more sophisticated party.cropped-15578516_852274718248908_771605500390685094_n.jpg

Once again, this dress is completely out of my comfort zone, but going into 2017 i am determined to break that barrier of worrying about what other people think, and wear what i want too because i love it, not because of what other people like or will like on me. So i thought, why wait till January, there’s no time like the present which is why i will be rocking this Little black dress very soon!

And last but not least… the casual party wear. There is nothing worse than getting invited to a gathering or ‘casual’ party and not knowing how casual or how dressy to go?? Which is why I think this outfit is a perfect little option for this sort of circumstances. This beautiful dungarees dress from top shop paired with a long-sleeved black crop top, black tights and black boots is the perfect go to casual party wear that is comfy and absolutely gorgeous!


I really hope this has given some of you some inspiration to make yourselves look and feel incredible this Winter. Remember, its your body your life, dress and be exactly who you are for that is what makes you, you. Party until dawn and learn to love yourselves girls!

I love you all so much, please feel free to give feedback, like, comment and share and help me to spread positivity across this incredible world of ours.

All the love, Chloejadex

Oh, and i just wanted to give a highly requested shoutout to James kinally for motivating me to get back to blogging!

Posted in Lets Talk

2016 – A new chapter

With new years eve passed, and admittedly a delayed blog post due to endless rehearsals I feel  its time to set out how I am going to approach the new year. 2015 was an incredible year for me; my brother got married, I attended my school prom with my 3 truest friends, had the privilege of being taken on holiday to turkey for a whole week, left school, started college and have met the most incredible people whilst doing so. Admittedly there have been some dark times within the last year but the good times over-shine them completely11750637_610811812395201_4826059475149583560_n

My biggest regret? Not continuing my charity runs and not pursuing my dreams. Leaving school was an exciting yet stressful time for me. It was the end of a chapter and the start of a new one. Everyone was going there separate ways to different colleges to do different things, the majority of them to do what they love and what they want to do in life. But me? Where was i going to go?  What was i going to do? My head was being spun in thousands of different directions with one person telling me to go this way another telling me to go that way and so on and so on and so on. My head scrambling this way and that, so trapped and confused about which path to take. If I went down the route my heart truly desired there is always that risk of,”what if I don’t make it”, “what if it all goes wrong”, but if I went the way everyone expected me to go at-least the chances of me getting a stable job with good money would be higher and my family and friends wouldn’t be disappointed in me.. but would I be happy? Did my happiness really matter that much? So off I went to college, doing what everyone else told me to do, the practical choice. Yet here I am now dreading every second of it, day in day out doing this and that like a machine with no power, a music box without the music. I am a broken cog in this mechanical world. But I will be fixed. SO many of us are broken cogs, trying to fit in and be like the others, but we don’t have to be if we don’t want to be.

12468093_670653616411020_2069415212_nI want there to be a purpose and an underlying message to each an everyone of my blogs that at least one of you can recognise and learn from. The message of this one? To follow your dreams. No matter how many times someone tells you that it might not work, or you aren’t good enough it is important not to listen to them. Who are they to tell you you aren’t good enough? What is the definition of good enough anyway? If you work for it, if you believe in yourself and you really really fight for what you want to do, fight for what you believe in, you can make it. I know for a fact this year i am going to follow my dreams regardless of what others may say. Always always remember that money doesn’t give you happiness, the path that holds the key to that, is the one which your heart really desires to go down. You only have one life, so live it the exact way you want to, there isn’t any point in wasting it doing something that’s deemed respectable if its not really what your heart seeks. Life is about Love, joy and happiness not about money, misery and madness. Only you know what’s right and only you can act upon it. It wont be a smooth road, but honestly? with determination and confidence, anyone can reach their potential. If you love something, do it.

So there are 365 days to this year, what are you going to do with each and everyone of those? Tomorrow is a new day and what ever will unravel is yet to be discovered;it is a blank page awaiting to be written.Anything that happened today is in the past written in stone and can not be changed. However the future is such a beautiful concept in which anyone can create. My dream, to live the majority of my life on stage.1517512_201445573382388_741963275_n


Please always remember that there’s a lot to be thankful for. We’re alive right now. We are breathing. We are loved. Our lives are important. We have voices and stories and plans and dreams and ideas. We will wake up tomorrow to a day that has never been known. We are living a life that has never been lived. We are here for a reason. Things do change.Storms do pass. Life can be beautiful again. We have what it takes to be who we want to be, to do what we want to do. Never give up trying to do what you want to do, if you have the love and inspiration you cant go wrong.Be kind to one another, smile to a stranger,make the world a better place.

Thank you all so much for reading, here’s to a beautiful future!x